
How To Setup Spotify-TUI and Spotifyd With Pulseaudio.
|Published: December 18, 2022
|How to be a Linux elitist and play music from your T E R M I N A L

Wandering Vagrant: A Crash Course in Vagrant Virtual Machines
|Published: December 15, 2022
|A crash course of all the disparate knowledge I wish I had when I first delved into Vagrant

Creating an Infosec/IT Blog part 2: A Power User's Guide to Creating a Blog
|Published: January 3, 2022
|Blogs are *kind* of a big deal in the InfoSec community. Here is how I made mine.

Creating An Infosec/IT Blog Part 1 Why You Should Create A Blog
|Published: January 1, 2022
|Blogs are *kind* of a big deal in the InfoSec community. Here is why you should have one.

Thou Shall Not Snoop Our Searches - Searx Installation and Discussion
|Published: December 14, 2021
|A guide to set up your own SearX instance with some dicussion of what SearX is.